April 24, 2023

Why English has been Stockly's official language from day-one?

Why English has been Stockly's official language from day-one?

“French people can’t speak English” they say… 🙄

Most people are naturally less comfortable in English than their native language. Stockly is no exception.

But from Day-1, we’ve made up our minds: Stocklers will come from all around the world and English will be the only language at work. ✔

💡 Let me explain our choice.

Concrete business benefits:

🖇️ It's easy to share documentation with partners / clients / investors / providers, wherever they are located in the world.

🌍 We have the ambition to settle internationally so: eventual new offices but no language switch, no documentation to rewrite, no internal process to recreate.

Yes, it isn’t always easy❗

💼 Administrative tasks: French law is written in French. It’s sometimes hard to decide between English and French when it comes to legal and financial documentation.

Cultural diversity and opportunities 🤲💜

👩‍🏫 Passing up talents just because of a language difference is not conceivable.

👉 We provide English lessons at the office!

🚀 Stockly benefits from a large variety of cultures: we have 13 different nationalities in the team. We are open to talent to talent from all over the world (sometimes we have to fight for visas 😅)

🧱 We speak 10+ languages which is very helpful when trying to build a global company (we already work with retailers from 18 different countries)